forest school – garden theme

Forest School or Nature School is best described as learning that happens while playing outside. Of course you can do this on your own (as we do), but it’s always fun to include friends.

A homeschool friend of mine attended one a year or so ago and I was eager to get into one myself. Over the summer she announced she was putting one together herself and invited us to be a part. A reasonable cost was involved which covered all supplies, snacks, etc. and I was happy to pay her to be able to just show up to these magical events.

Thursday (9.8.22) was our first gathering and it was garden themed. All the kids gathered and learned a little bit about the difference between a helper and a pest in the garden, listened to a garden themed story and then was free to play for an hour & a half. There were stations like a bed or dirt where they could plant their own seeds, a box full of dirt and worms that they could play with, a teepee with garden themed books, a snack table (chocolate pudding, crushed Oreos and gummy worms – eating dirt style ;P ) and lots of places for them to play in the forest.

We went home exhausted and hearts full. My kids were talking about it long after it was over and we are so excited for all the memories that will be made with this sweet group. We’ll be meeting quite often this Fall and I cannot wait!

4 Replies to “forest school – garden theme”

  1. […] week 2 of our sweet forest school and I’m still so thankful to be a part of this community! Last time we gathered we talked about gardening, and this week was about […]

  2. […] school and I’m still so thankful to be a part of this community! The first week we learned about gardening, second week was harvesting, and this week was about […]

  3. […] first week our group gathered we learned about gardening, second week was harvesting, third week was about Autumn, and this one was about all the diverse […]

  4. […] first week our group gathered we learned about gardening, second week was harvesting, third week was about Autumn, fourth was highlighting the diverse […]

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