Gannon Ryder

This past SATURDAY was a monumental one – we got homes for all 6 puppies! That’s right, Tribe Shaver is puppy free.

Michelle told us she was going to sit in the Wal-Mart parking lot and give the puppies away (for free) to good, loving homes. MeeMaw, Amberlyn & I decided to join her. Obviously, I was determined to find a good, loving, safe home for Gannon – my #1 pup since day one.


I held him while the other 5 puppies resided in the cage. I had to soak up every last Gannon snuggle I could. <3

[side note] every day at After School Care, I’d talk to my friend Kaitlyn about Gannon. Mainly my back-and-forth decision of keeping him for myself or giving him up. I shared with her his stories, sweetness, & countless snapchats of his cuteness. Because….Gannon 😉

I texted her as soon as I heard we were parking at Wal-Mart to give them away, asking, “are you POSITIVE you don’t want one!?” she quickly responded saying she’d come by to see them.

20minutes later, she was there and I instantly handed her Gannon. Of course she fell completely in love with him & decided to take him as her own 😀


she decided to keep his name because that’s how she’s always known him.


She’s had him for 4 full days, and every day at work she’s telling me some story about Gannon. Sounds like he’s adjusting to his new home well & is a very loving, cuddly, protective pup.


…then again, MONDAY she did tell me Gannon destroyed the bathroom door…


Anyway, I’m so excited that his home is with someone who will send me multiple Snapchats in a day + will let me visit him! 🙂


As for the other 5 puppies, they all went to incredibly great homes with awesome families! 3 of them went to families with kids, 1 went to a newlywed couple, and 2 (including Gannon) went to live with ladies who just needed a puppy friend 🙂


All that to say, it was a very succesful day. And I am happy to be able to walk into our carport & not smell puppies 😛




Unfortunately, that’s all I have for you today…. I’ll be super honest – I’ve been lame this week! I’ve been working super super hard on my business so I’ve hardly taken any photos &/or had any sort of adventure to be even remotely interesting or worth sharing. Lame. I know.