highlands college 10k

SATURDAY (4.29.17), we woke up early and headed to the Highlands College 10k. It was a requirement for school, and we were ready…


Michelle was ready.

She had been faithfully training for months. Running every other day and eating properly to keep herself in good shape.

Aaron is the kind of guy who can kick his body into high gear when necessary, so I guess he was prepared.

Me on the other hand, I was not prepared and had completely underestimated what I was getting into.


My body had to recover from having Rylie (it’s girl stuff, I won’t get into it – but basically I physically wasn’t capable of walking a lot without medication, so running wasn’t really something I was up for.) so I didn’t train much. I walked a few times a week, but that was all.

Anyway, when the president of HC yelled “GO!” I was surprised how many people took of running. There were a lot of walkers though, and my goal was to not be last. I didn’t have to be first (and I obviously wasn’t going to be), but I refused to be last.

We had to walk the campus 5 times – weaving in and out of parking stalls and cutting through the grass field.

Michelle ran the whole thing as she had planned, only walking briefly once to catch her breath due to the hot and humid weather. Aaron started off walking but ended up running a majority of it. And I faithfully alternated between speed walking and jogging.

Understandably, Michelle finished 1st, and Aaron 2nd. I wasn’t too far behind though, and I told myself I was going to run across the finish line. So as I turned the final corner (about 1/4th of a mile remaining) I picked up my pace to a jog/run. Michelle and Aaron saw me and started cheering and Aaron went over to the finish line and I crossed the marker and jumped to give him a hug! <3

It was challenging, but I’m so glad we accomplished it!


Michelle’s goal :: run the whole thing under an hour
Aaron’s goal :: run it
My goal :: finish & get the free t-shirt at the end 😂

Highlands College encourages excellence & doing the hard thing. But we know we can do all things through Him, because He gives us strength.