highlands college orientation

You may recall my post about Aaron & I getting accepted into Highlands Collegeย I wrote a few weeks ago – well last night was our orientation for the Fall semester which starts next Tuesday (August 30th). I took a few pictures throughout the evening to share with you and give you all a peak into the night.


We arrived at 5:30pm and got checked in. They gave us an envelope that had a couple papers in it for the orientation (a booklet of the rules like dress code, library hours, requirements for each semester, etc.) and the two books we’d be reading that semester, which for me and Aaron is “Fresh Air” by Chris Hodges (I actually read it a couple years ago and it’s really good!) and “A Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren.


One of the things they had was a pop-up shop of some Highlands College gear. We looked through some of the various shirts they offered and picked out a couple that we felt suited us. They also had notebooks, sunglasses, and stickers available.


To kick off the orientation, we had a great set of worship. Nothing like praising our God before beginning the school year.



After worship we got to a hear a quick word from the lead pastor – Pastor Chris Hodges. Even in such a simple, short and candid message, it was still full of wisdom and vision.


After he spoke they went over the booklet that had the rules in it and allowed for some Q&A. Overall, it was a pretty short orientation which was fine with us since we had an early morning ahead of us.

Before we left, we made sure to get a picture of those in the Shaver Tribe who are currently attending Highlands College.


And of course, Aaron & I got our shot together too ๐Ÿ˜‰


We are so excited to be embarking on this journey! The vision of the college is inspiring and we are so honored to be under such great leadership and counsel.

Less then a week now until we officially go back to school. Better start getting my backpack together. ๐Ÿ˜›