highlights of summer 2021

The heat may still be in the air, but our carefree days are wrapping up as we gear up for our homeschool year.

Our theme of a carefree summer was definitely an accurate prediction as most of our days were spent at home with a few special activities sprinkled throughout the months.

Our summer kicked off with a new addition to our crew – Spencer Myles arrived at the end of May.

The majority of June was filled with adjustment as we did life with four. But we did a few exciting things like went blueberry picking, Rylie earned a new belt color in Martial Arts, Aaron & I celebrated 7-years married and Aaron’s grandpa visited from Texas.

Our whole family experienced a lot of sickness this summer (teething and colds), but nothing compared to the heartache of Spencer getting RSV and walking through that with him.

Rylie got to participate in Summer Blast for the very first time!

We also crossed off “Going to Buckee’s” on our summer bucket list and phew, is that place somewhere you gotta be prepared for ;P

We also spent lots of time outside which is always a dream.

July was a packed month, including potty training Paisley, getting a zoo membership and establishing some routines before school started back.

We hosted a big party to celebrate our country’s birthday.

We happily welcomed a playground to our yard.

We visited the Alabama Safari Park which was a hilarious and pleasurable adventure.

I got a promotion with work 🙂

The first couple weeks of August have really been getting as prepared as I can for school. This week is also Aaron’s first days back at work from a wonderfully long paternity-leave. It was such an enormous blessing to have him around more!

Looking back over our summer, it really was carefree which allowed for so much impromptu moments and left space for us soak in the early days of being a family of six.

How was your summer? what were some of your highlights?