i’m an usborne books & more consultant because…

“Rylie, can you pick out a book?” is a question Aaron and I ask about half an hour before we need to put Rylie down for bed every night. It’s our opportunity to not only get her brain and body into slow down mode, but it also gives us a chance to snuggle, learn, and create special memories together.  Books are a popular item in our home and thankfully, Rylie loves picking out a few books to read.



book shown: Baby’s Very First Touchy-Feely Animals Book

Unfortunately, reading a story is a touchpoint that more and more parents are giving up. Dr. Lyon, chief of the child development and behavior branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, MD, says. “There’s a clear indication of a neurological difference between kids who have been regularly read to and kids who have not.”


book shown: That’s Not My Fox

Please hear my heart and know that I am not trying to make you feel bad or make you think we have it together, because we don’t. There are days where we’re so busy we don’t get to sit down and read together, I’m simply challenging all of us to take the extra 10-15 minutes and invest in our children – in their development and our relationship with them.



book shown: Very First ABC || 123 Counting || Mini Machines Box Set

Aaron and I have made books a crucial part of our home and we encourage Rylie and Emmaline to look at books as often as they can. We have a bookshelf that is easy for the kids to access that it is full of books of various kinds. I often come home from work and see books replacing the living room floor, but it’s a mess I am happy to clean up knowing that they have clearly been touched by little hands.


book shown: Alphabet Picture Book

Honestly, I’m not an Usborne Books & More consultant because I want to jeopardize all of my relationships for a sale or blow up your newsfeed with pictures and videos. I’m an Usborne Books & More consultant because I believe that these award winning books entice children to enjoy reading and learning. I believe that books are vital to a child’s development so why not make it fun!? And ultimately, I believe in families growing closer & stronger, and setting aside as little as 5 minutes a day to read a story together can be a child’s most precious memory. And yours too.


book shown: Very First ABC