it’s a…..

Yesterday, Aaron & I had our anatomy appointment at the Dr. office. This appointment is when they do a more thorough ultra-sound and measure the baby’s body. It’s also the appointment when they can tell us what gender the baby is. 😀

We walked in and immediately the nurses asked us if we were going to find out the gender. Our answer was, “Yes! But can you write it down so we can open it later together?” Our ultra-sound tech was so excited and gladly said she’d keep it a surprise for us. She thought it was so cute that we wanted to open it in private together.

The ultra-sound itself went phenomenal! The baby was curled up, asleep, with its head against my hip. The tech wasn’t concerned though, she could still look at the areas she needed to to make sure the baby was developing properly and everything else was just fun.

She went towards the “bottom half” of the baby first so that she could check the gender without us seeing. She turned the screen away but we saw a smile on her face and she reiterated how cute she thought it was that we were going to find out together later. A couple pictures printed and then she told us that the baby had 2 kidneys, which was great. She turned the screen back around and did some “exploring” of the baby’s body. We saw the feet (which were adorable!!!), legs (which are really long – at least, we think they are.), belly, bones like the spine and ribs, arms, and its head / brain. It also was on her list to check out the heart so we got to see that as well. It has all 4-chambers and they’re bumping strong. The heartbeat was a solid 141 which she was a really strong and healthy heartbeat. I swear, it’s mine and Aaron’s favorite sound. 😉 We got amazing pictures of the baby’s face and it is such a cutie.


After the ultra-sound, we just had to do the normal routine of checking my weight, blood pressure, and talking to the Doctor. They were very pleased with how everything was looking (with both me and the baby) so they sent us on our way to find out what we were having.


I don’t think we’ve ever walked out of the Dr. office so fast before. We were like 2 little kids on Christmas who were sitting in front of the tree waiting for their parents to say they could start opening gifts. We were so anxious, but we had a plan and we were determined to stick to it.


It was only 10:30am, but we stopped by one of our favorite lunch places (Newks) and grabbed ourselves some lunch to go. Once we got our to-go bag, we jumped back in the car and drove to a park we go to often. We sat at a bench and set up the iPad to record our reactions. I grabbed the envelope that the tech had put the gender photos in and set it nicely right in front of us.

Aaron went over the plan, and we eagerly hit the “RECORD” button.


It was a HUGE surprise to both of us. But we’re so excited to welcome our daughter into the world.

After we enjoyed our lunch, we went and got a couple things to announce the gender to Aaron’s parents. We grabbed plastic eggs and filled them with pink & white glitter. We also bought the babies initials and put glue on it so that the glitter that fell from the eggs would land on the initials.

After they opened it and celebrated, Aaron and I opened our own eggs.






Rylie Annalise Shaver

We are so excited to meet our little Rylie in November! <3 Aaron & I invite you to pray with us during these last few months of pregnancy (+ throughout her life) for Rylie.