labor & delivery oily must haves

Leading up to my delivery with baby number four, I took all the research I had done over the last 9-months and selected what oils I wanted to bring with me to use during my labor and hospital stay.

Since this was my fourth, I’m very aware of what I’m like during labor – what I think about and what I don’t. Even though I heard some amazing testimonies of oils / products that were incredible supports during other’s labors, I chose to keep my bag simple.

Please remember I am not a medical professional and definitely did a lot of research before this pregnancy. I’m fully comfortable using the products/oils I am but use your own discernment and talk to your doctor if you’re hesitant.

What I Packed:

+chill vibes roller – a combo of oils that promote clam, grounding feelings

+peppermint – helps reduce nausea

+valor – courage oil & very grounding

+peace & calming – great for the diffuser

+seedlings calm – also great for the diffuser

+gentle baby – for the diffuser and to apply topically

As I predicted, my labor was quick and didn’t allow much prep time when it came to using my oils. But I loved having my diffuser pumping during our hospital stay and alternated between Seedlings Calm & Gentle Baby.

If you’re interested in learning more about oils / natural products, come hang with me on Instagram. Make sure you reach out and say hello! 😉 I love chatting pregnancy & labor.

If you’re ready to purchase some or all of the items I listed above, you can order them here.

Pregnant? Check out my 1st & 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester musts.