learning to ride

The day after Christmas (12.26.20) the girls anxiously asked Aaron & I if they could go outside and ride their bikes. Rylie had been wanting to learn for months (we were given a bike and Aaron finally had time to repair it a few days prior) and Emmaline had just received a balance bike for Christmas from her grandparents.

Needless to say, a bike outing was warranted. So we bundled the girls and headed out to our street.

Emmaline loved her balance bike and she followed close to me while I pushed Paisley.

Aaron, on the other hand, was attempting to teach Rylie how to peddle / steer / balance.

When our ride was over, Aaron made several comments, including “wow, my back hurts from bending over to help her so much.” haha

All considering, she did a decent job for her first time on a bike and we are all excited for her to get more practice in.