I was in WalMart the other day by myself with my four kids when an older gentlemen commented on how many kids I had with me by saying, “you have your hands full!” This is a comment I get a lot, and I replied with a smile, “yes, I sure do. And we’re adopting.” I was met with a gaping mouth and wide eyes that, whether they meant to or not, were shocked and said, “wow, are you crazy!? You’ve already got a lot of kids!” he choked out, “well…. good luck with that.” and walked away.
It really doesn’t bother me, but because I’ve had it happen multiple times, in various places from a variety of people, both through words and actions, I’ve really had something stirring in me –
Let’s normalize a family can have multiple kids of their own AND still adopt!
I know my crew is abnormal to today’s culture (even though a little over 100 years ago, large families were the normal) – people just don’t have a bunch of kids nowadays. And that’s fine! I’m a firm believer that God calls everyone to a certain number of children and there is no shame from me towards those single-kiddo families. So please don’t throw shade at me for being called to have more.
A comment Aaron & I hear a lot, especially from Christians is, “I don’t want to bring kids into this messed up world.” We sympathize because, honestly, it’s hard to have kids with everything that’s going on. It can easily birth fear, anxiety and a crippling feeling. But we also know that people are who change the world. So, we are raising world-changers. And we need more of them!
So next time you see a big family, maybe toss out a compliment or just pass by with a smile. Because big families are just different, not bad or something to avoid. And, big families can get bigger by choice – so let’s make that normal!