On Tuesday (8.14.18), Aaron said he wanted to wash our car. After a throw together dinner (grilled cheese with tomato soup), Rylie and I joined him outside to help.
Rylie loves water and finds the hose to be extra fun. Aaron put it on the “mist” setting and spray her with it. This action was always followed with a surprise face and sweet toddler giggles.
“Bubbles!” she pointed to the bucket Aaron was soaking his car-washing brush in, so we found her a sponge that she could use to wash the car. She immediately went for the tires, but Aaron redirected her and told her that sponge wasn’t for the tires. He showed her how to wash the hood and she quickly became particularly good at washing the same spot of the car 😝
Rylie is so good at making an ordinary or mundane task interesting and memorable. I love that about this stage!
And what car washing experience would be complete without seeing how far the hose will shoot the water!? 😛