Dear Aaron,
I always knew you’d be an amazing dad, but you have truly exceeded all of my expectations. You are an incredible father! I cannot imagine anyone else I would want to be my teammate to raise our children.
Rylie loves you. You’re always quick to comfort her and give her hugs when she wants and needs them. When she’s upset and you start singing to her and she calms down while resting her head on your shoulder, my heart melts. I love that she feels safe with you, and I pray that never changes. I pray that she knows she can come to you with anything and know that you will accept her with love and grace.
You’ve taught her a lot of things lately, particularly how to throw a ball (which has now resulted in everything being thrown… so thank you :P) and how to say a good amount of words. She loves playing with her daddy and gets so excited when you walk into the room.
Since last Father’s Day we’ve added Emmaline, and watching you love your new daughter has been so sweet. Since the moment she was born, you’ve called her beautiful and precious. You’re the master swaddler, bath giver, and sleep-through-the-nighter (because let’s be honest, you don’t hear the crying in the middle of the night 😛 ).
You’ve embraced being a daddy to two so effortlessly. I appreciated how you took over caring for Rylie so I could focus on Emmaline during those early days, and how you’d help me throughout the day with whatever she needed.
I don’t think I will ever forget that day I asked Rylie who her best friend was, and she said “Dada” without hesitation. Some people might think it hurt my feelings,but I don’t mind one bit. I want her dad to be her best friend. To go on adventures with her and teach her about the wonder of her heavenly father.
I know it can’t be easy to bear the responsibility of being an earthly example of what God is like, since it’s common for us to think of God as some form of the father we had, but I know that our children will have a phenomenal example to follow and you show Christ’s love to them in every way!
So on this Father’s Day, I pray you feel rested, appreciated, and valued. I hope you know you are the real MVP and life with you in it is just better.
Happy Father’s Day Aaron!