Dear Sarah,
Culture will say you failed. They’ll say you’re immature and that you made a mistake.
It will try to get you to doubt, to slink back into “their box” and guilt you to feel less than adequate.
But let me remind you of something – you’re a rebel. Always have been, always will be.
You’ve never done what culture said and even when you weren’t sure why there’s a reason God put that fire in you to go against the grain.
You didn’t go to college at 18 like everyone else.
You got married at 20 even though people told you “you are too young!”
You left everything and everyone you ever knew to move across the country at 21 to attend ministry school.
Even though some people told you that you were too immature to be a good mom, you rose up to the challenge at 22.
You bought a house at 23 despite others questioning if you were financially capable (even though you 100% were).
You graduated with honors (while caring for your newborn and 18-month-old) at 24 even though your grade-school report cards were full of C’s.
Oh, and that house you bought? You sold it and made a profit at 25.
And now, you’ve quit your Corporate America job so you can chase a dream with your husband that sounds unpredictable and insane to everyone else – but, like I’ve just reminded you, you’re a rebel and you’ve never done what culture says you should. And because you’ve trusted the Lord, it has always worked out.
So you know what, this will too. Reread those words in your notebook that are flowing with anticipation and excitement. Remember the peace you felt when you were brainstorming marketing ideas to your husband. And never forget that God takes care of the birds in the sky and the wildflowers that no one ever sees, so how much more, sweet girl, will he care for you!? (Matthew 6:25-34)
The day will inevitably come when you question your decision to quit your job. You’re going to remember the successes, the hot meals you ate at lunch and the paycheck and you’ll wonder if you made a mistake by turning in your notice.
So when the day comes when you’re upset and you think you want to get another job in Corporate America, remember this –
You don’t have to ask permission from someone to have a day off so you can be with your family.
You don’t have to be talked down to or belittled for working your hardest.
You don’t have to longingly look at pictures in frames to see your family in the middle of the day.
You can wear your flannels and high-tops.
You may not have a paycheck that has the same numbers on it every 2 weeks, but you have something far more valuable. You have peace. You may not feel it this very moment, and yes, I know that right now, it is hard. I’m not taking that away. But please trust me when I say that you would much rather be home on a bad day than be where you used to be on a good day.
You took a risk, and I love that you did that! I love that you stepped out in faith, trusting that God would care for you and all your needs. You are teaching your children great things, and you’re being a wonderful light to many that you could never have reached in Corporate America. I’m proud of you for going against the norm, for ignoring the naysayers and for defying what culture says you should be doing.
You were made for this!
Big hugs,