letters to paisley || 3-months-old

My dear, sweet, precious Paisley,

Ever since you were born, you have been the chillest, sweetest, most precious little human that I am unashamedly obsessed with.

When I look back over these first 3-months, all I can remember is those sweet moments of staring into your eyes and your big gummy smile greeting me.

I also remember the moments when I felt so defeated and alone and, I just wanted to cry because I felt so overwhelmed and unqualified to raise 3 beautiful girls.

And then you cooed and snuggled in close to me, and a piece of my heart was healed.

Paisley, you are such a gift to me! 2019 was such a crazy, hectic year filled with a lot of mixed emotions and physical struggles but you, YOU my sweet little love, were worth it all!

I love you Paisley! With everything in me.

