letters to rylie || 28 weeks in my tummy

dear rylie,

we’ve officially made it to the 3rd trimester, and even though i know it will have it’s rough days, i am so excited because it means we are that much closer to holding you in our arms.

you’ve definitely been growing a lot – which means mama is growing too. it’s getting harder for me to do some things like bend over, get out of the car, and stand for long periods of time. not to mention it takes me a little longer to pick an outfit because not all of my clothes fit me anymore because of my belly, but i’m happy because you are healthy and i still can’t believe i get to have the adventure of growing you.


you’re incredibly strong too baby girl. you love to kick and move around and make my tummy stick out sometimes. even daddy can feel your strength and you always make him smile every time he gets to feel you. you are a little shy around others though, but i’m sure that won’t last long.

you’re getting more and more little outfits every week (most of them are gifts from our generous friends), and i can already picture dressing you in some of the cute little onsies. i’ve begun to notice though that your daddy likes a few outfits that i’m not a big fan of, but i’m sure i’ll love them once i see them on you.


rylie, i love you. and i know that love will only continue to grow. i am so anxious to meet you but i have to remember to enjoy having you in my tummy. to memorize your kicks. to cherish your movements. to love this time of it being just you and me.

you are an answered prayer my baby girl, and daddy and i continually pray over you and your future as i know others do as well. i’m always amazed at how often people pray for us and for “baby rylie.” i hope you can hear them as they pray for you.

we love you baby girl. with everything in us.

