letters to rylie || you won’t remember

Dear Rylie,

The time of you being an only child is coming to an end, and it’s been heavy on my heart how to transition from “my daughter” to “my daughters.” From “my #1 girl” to “my girls.” From “my best friend” to “my best friends.”


You won’t remember what life was like as an only child. You won’t remember me telling you that you’re my best friend, my #1 girl, my world. You won’t remember the adventures, play dates, restaurant trips, shopping sprees, and days at home when it was just Daddy, Mommy and you. You won’t remember when all the toys in the living room, the books on the shelves and the clothes in the closet belonged only to you.


You won’t remember when I took you out for a little treat at Panera on Sunday (3.11.18) and I told you, “life is going to look a little different when Emmaline comes, so Mommy wanted us to have some time together beforehand that was special.”



But let me tell you what you will remember –

You’ll remember having a healthy, life-giving, fun, Christ-centered family. You’ll remember being close to your sister. You’ll remember having someone to play with, dream with and run around with. You’ll remember that Mommy and Daddy love each of you for your own personalities, gifting’s, hearts, and journeys. You’ll remember watching the videos, looking at the pictures, and hearing the stories I’ll tell you of life when it was just us, when I was a new mom and Daddy and I were learning how to be young parents. But ultimately, you will always remember how much I love you.


You are going to be such an incredible big sister sweet girl, and I know you will embrace this change with grace, love, and JOY!


