letters to spencer || 1 year old


You are such a joy, my son. You are hilariously silly and full of energy. Always curious, always moving and always getting into something. You are all kinds of busy and it’s fun and exhausting to manage.

I knew having a little boy would be fun, but you have brought a whole new dynamic to our family. I love the way you play, explore and interact with each member of your crew. Even your friends can count on you to stick with them and laugh together.

I remember during those sleepless nights when you first arrived, I felt led to pray for you to have strength and bravery. As you grow up, you will be faced with some big giants and challenges. And yet, I am confident that you will be a strong, courageous and bold man of God. A warrior. You’re learning, growing and becoming an incredible young man already, and I am committed to fighting alongside you and raising you to be all these things and more.

You’ve gone from squishy and cuddly to busy and “all boy” but you definitely love your mama and I’m thankful (& hopeful) to still get hugs, cuddles & sweet smiles while you lean in for kisses.

I love you so much, Spencer Myles!
