letters to spencer || 3 months old

dear Spencer,

I am unapologetically obsessed with you. And everyone knows it.

You bring me so much joy and I am forever thankful God placed you in our family. You and I vibe well together ;P

I don’t know if it’s because you’re our first son or the current baby of the family, but when you smile and coo at me, I’m ready to hand over anything you want.

You have brought me a lot of peace, joy and healing in the midst of emotional struggles and the chaos of the world. Thank you for continually gracing me with your snuggles and letting me kiss your face as often as I can.

You love to be held close, spoken softly to and complimented. And I’ll do all those things for your whole life (or as long as you’ll let me πŸ˜‰ ).

I love you, Son!
