life lately – april 2022

We kicked off the month with Emmaline’s 3rd birthday, her party and all the prep that went along with that.

We dealt with a tornado watch, which also included a middle of the night rush to the storm shelter (& my mom was in town so it was documented).

Gymnastics and Library time were weekly happenings of course.

We did some learning in the midst of lots of life and play. Rylie has been growing more confident in her reading and is catching onto learning time very quickly.

The kids had a dentist appointment.

Our crew’s main adoption fundraiser this month was the Egg My Yard fundraiser. The girls did a phenomenal job helping and it made all the prep go so much faster!

We got to celebrate some of our sweet friends’ turning ONE!

Easter wasn’t much of a big deal around here this year… I came down with mastitis so I missed Easter Sunday church but the girls and Aaron went (Spencer stayed home with me). I was so disappointed but everyone else looked so great.

Once I was feeling a bit better, the kids and I hit up the strawberry patch.

Rylie experienced a first, she got a haircut for the first time in her life.

Spencer turned 11 months old.

This month was lots of days just soaking up the Springtime, and I’m okay with that.