life lately – august 2022

August was where summer faded and routine began. And it also birthed my deep desire for Fall weather haha

It kicked off with Aaron & I tackling the next stack of paperwork – agency applications. Our consulting firm works with dozens of agencies across the country but there’s 3 they work with very closely so they ask we fill out their applications beforehand just to speed things up.

Spencer also didn’t disappoint with his creative climbing skills.

We visited Aaron’s grandpa’s senior baseball game and so enjoyed cheering them on.

We got Rylie a high-bed and did some room rearranging.

I kept on with the weekly farmer’s market, and added a couple other pop-up events in other towns. All while getting paperwork finalized and our profile photobook submitted.

We went to the Georgia Aquarium which was incredible! I am so glad we got a membership!!!

The next day we added school back into our daily routine and the girls had a splendid first day.

We also settled back into our weekly library trips.

Spencer, like I said above, was busy this month. He’s discovering his personality and it is so fun (& exhausting) to watch.

We completed our adoption training (10+hours of it).

Our power went out due to a brief but strong thunderstorm and even once the power came back on, our AC broke so we went camping at Nana’s for the week until it got fixed.

We visited Orr Park which was on my list to check out.

Rylie cracked me up with her maturity and paid me $2 (real) to buy her own Ningxia pack from me.

A family we met briefly at the library asked if I’d contribute our sourdough cookies & a couple loafs of bread to their spread.

After a weeklong school break (being at Nana’s), we slowly got back into our flow.

We got our profile book back to review. We caught a few errors and got them revised.

I celebrated 7 years of blogging.

Rylie expressed a sudden desire to try baseball/softball and conveniently the Fall season was launching so she was able to get in. When I asked her what brought on this interest, she said, “watching PamPaw play.”

I wrapped up the summer season at our town’s weekly farmer’s market.

A dear friend of mine had her baby shower.

Aaron and I became very motivated one morning and deep cleaned the main living areas (dining, kitchen & living room)

I know the weather will still be hot and muggy and very slowly fade into dreamy Fall weather, but I’m looking forward to it πŸ™‚