life lately – january 2022

January was packed full but such a great start to our year.

I accepted a 14-day challenge to pursue minimalism, so it was a fun way to break down tackling some projects I had been putting off. Assignments like “clean the bathroom” or “go through your closet” provided me a simple task that left me feeling so accomplished.

The girls helped me with some work tasks, and I absolutely love having this as a teaching tool.

We got into a great rhythm with our book work.

I took 3-weeks to mainly eat plant-based foods and it was so rewarding. You can check out my favorite recipes in this post.

That Young Living order came in and I got one of my favorite products of all time – Ningxia!

We did our first spurt of Nature Journaling (so fun btw).

I got a good rhythm of waking up before the sun which meant I caught the sunrises (one of the simple things that bring me joy). I may or may not have taken a lot of photos 😉

We went to the zoo a couple times and one trip resulted in the amazing and rare moment of all 4 kids falling asleep in the car happened…

Rylie had her ear tube surgery.

Spencer turned 8-months old.

I successfully got a one-on-one date with all 3 girls!

And we ended the month with probably some of the biggest news of our life – WE ARE ADOPTING!