life lately – july 2021

July started busy with getting ready for the 4th of July party we hosted. Emmaline also peaced-out and spent a few days with her aunt.

As the days went by, I still struggled to adjust to the chaos of four babies. Thankfully, my moments of overwhelm lessoned and I started to get my bearings.

We spent as much time as we could outside (usually short spurts because the heat is just insane!), but our new playground definitely helped us have fun!

Spencer’s newborn days continued to fade as he got closer to 2-months-old. He even started wearing cloth diapers.

Our family did some fun experiences, like the Alabama Safari and the zoo.

For our family, we just had to go to the zoo twice for the cost of a membership to break even, so we walked away proud zoo-members once again.

We started some rhythms I plan to maintain throughout the school year, one of which was a weekly library trip.

Paisley started potty training and overall is doing a phenomenal job! We’ve had some accidents but she has more wins so that’s good. We still don’t leave the house without a diaper to be safe though.

Spencer is the newest kid in our church’s nursery but he seems to be loving it 🙂

& so is Paisley.

It has been raining practically every day here and there’s been a few times we’ve embraced it and played in it. so much fun!

Aaron and I taught the girls how to play Go Fish and it has been so much fun! it is hilarious and Rylie and Emmaline have both won by landslides. Definitely a highlight of the summer.

Our family wrapped up the month with a promotion with Young Living – a great way to cap off the summer.

July was packed of fun adventures and family memories. Loved it.

One Reply to “life lately – july 2021”

  1. […] July was a packed month, including potty training Paisley, getting a zoo membership and establishing some routines before school started back. […]

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