life lately – july 2022

I didn’t realize how busy July was until I started this post. I knew it was full, but man, it was BUSY.

It started with me preparing for another week at our local farmer’s market.

After a successful morning, I headed out to Atlanta to begin my 4-day-trip to Seattle.

When I got back, I hit the ground running into our normal life, including birthday parties and library excursions.

We had a stray puppy make its way to our porch, but we found its owner.

We found out we’re getting a niece AND a nephew at the Benson’s gender reveal.

We had playdates with friends.

I reorganized our school shelf to make it more functional for the upcoming school year. In the midst of the mess, the girls had access to all our art supplies and made all kinds of creations.

We wrapped up our home study to-do list for our adoption and Spencer climbed on all the things.

Aaron & I watched The Terminal List and absolutely loved it!

We had a long overdue eye doctor appointment and found out we both needed glasses in some capacity.

Aaron began his new work schedule (which we are loving!).

I mailed off the last of our paperwork to our case worker for our home study.

Rylie got an ear infection and it was horrible!!! Our sweet girl was miserable but a doctor visit and some medicine helped her get back to her normal self.

We took a special trip to the bookstore and got each of the girls a new Bible.

I reorganized my polaroid albums.

With Rylie’s ear infections, market days and some other projects we spent a lot of time laying low.

I tried my hand at making sourdough donuts.

I started on the next phase of our adoption paperwork journey.

And I finished the month with a fresh commitment to wake up around 5am to get some personal time in before the house woke up. I can honestly say, it’s been going well and making a difference in my life.