life lately – june 2021

I started documenting parts of June with Spencer’s weekly updates (see week 1, week 2 and week 3), so I thought I’d round off the month – sharing some of the photos I took and what our crew was up to.


Something the girls love to do is come into our room right when they wake up. If Spencer is awake, we have a little cuddle session and the girls love it (Spencer is still undecided haha)

On June 16th, the big girls, Spencer and I went to a local homeschool event for the first time. We met up to do some blueberry picking and Rylie + Emmaline loved it. We also made some new homeschooling friends which made all of us happy.

Rylie had testing for Martial Arts on Thursday, June 17th and she earned her next belt color – GREEN.

As a family, we celebrated with some frozen yogurt afterwards.

We celebrated Father’s Day with church and some good food. & the classic pictures.

The following day was our 7 year wedding anniversary and we spent it with Spencer haha we went thrifting and hung out at home before leaving Spencer for the first time and going out to a favorite restaurant. It was fun because we got to dream a little, which we always enjoy!

Paisley had a teething stint and it was very unpleasant for everyone. She was snotty, coughing on her saliva and clearly in discomfort. It lasted about half a week before she started smiling again and getting into mischief ;P

Also, the fact that she started falling asleep while waiting for her lunch still cracks me up hahahaha

I went thrifting to get some more nursing friendly summer shirts (hello button ups), and walked out with a good haul.

on Friday (6.25.21) Spencer turned ONE MONTH OLD. I shared his monthly update.

The monthly number was sprinkles, and I didn’t think much of them until multiple people informed me it looked floral / girlish. I quickly ordered a boyish set from Amazon and retook the picture a few days later.

That weekend, PamPaw (my father-in-law’s dad – Aaron’s grandpa) came from Texas to visit. He absolutely loved interacting with the kids and said he needed to leave because he couldn’t handle all the joy and happiness (haha – it was cute)

Also, someone held my hand during worship at church 🙂

We ended the month of June with finding out Spencer had RSV & Rylie doing Summer Blast.

June is one of my favorite months, and we definitely spent it well!