march 2020 reads

I used to keep track and share the books I read or listened to on Audio and I loved doing that. I fell away from even having time to read when I initially switched from working in Corporate America to being home full-time. But I eventually found a rhythm and I’m excited to bring it back to the blog.

I’ll be honest, my goal was to do this in January, but I didn’t find my reading rhythm until recently so I didn’t actually finish a book until March. So… we’re starting now 😛

I’ll share the links to the books in case you want to grab your own copy, but check your libraries (free!) or local used book stores (typically extremely discounted).

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Magic Treehouse Series – Book 1 – Dinosaurs Before Dark

I picked up this series thinking it would be fun to read a chapter or two to the girls before bed or during the day. I had never read this series as a kid myself but I remember my brother eating them up. Sure enough, it didn’t take us long to get through the first book because Rylie enjoyed it so much.

Magic Treehouse Series – Book 2 – The Knight at Dawn

Such a fun story. I also love that I can read multiple chapters to the girls at a time while we’re eating lunch, playing outside or winding down for bed.

Magic Treehouse Series – Book 3 – Mummies in the Morning

So far, this was my least favorite book in the series. Harmless as the idea seems, our family is not a fan of ghosts and when the siblings help a dead ghost queen find the right clues to lead her to the afterlife – it just wasn’t my cup of tea. So I did a lot of tweaking to the words (perk of being the only one who can read :P).

The Indian and the Cupboard

This is the book I deem my childhood favorite. While I never actually read the book, I remember listening to it on audio multiple times throughout my childhood and reenacting the concept with my dollhouse. Reading it now as an adult brings me a lot of joy as a remember the endless hours I played with my toys (which I’ve since passed on to my daughters).