
The internet is great. It is a fabulous resource for information and can keep us in touch with people we aren’t able to see on a regular basis. However, there are a lot of not so good things about the internet as well, and one of them is that it gives us the power to be selective in what we share about our lives. We can be unrealistic and give the illusion that our life is perfect and others who admire us will start comparing their behind the scenes to our highlight reel and this can cause discouragement.


The internet is great – until we start comparing our behind the scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.


So this post is solely to remind any of those who might be following my life journey that my life is not perfect. And here’s an example –


My house is messy right now. Actually, most of the time it’s a mess, and if it isn’t a mess, just wait a day or two.

But you know what, that’s okay!? Why? Because a messy house is a house that’s lived in.

For the mamas out there, you also know that babies have A LOT of stuff. Most of the stuff in the picture above are items we’re organizing for Rylie’s space. Can you see the onsies? 😉


All that to say, don’t be shy about sharing some of your mess online. Like that selfie you took in the mirror but there’s a pile of laundry behind you? Don’t delete it just because of that – life is messy, in a lot of ways. Embrace it!