month in review – december

December was a beautiful month – packed full of fun and empty enough to enjoy it all.

We did some fun activities outside.

I made a delish potato soup (a few times) and it was sooo yummy! I’ll definitely be putting together a recipe blog post with this one soon because it has all of us going back for seconds.

I did my last vendor event of the year.

Paisley cracked me up one day, snuggling me on the couch, rubbing my ear saying “it’s okay Mama!” and I couldn’t stop laughing because it was so precious.

Our church had an Action Team (the people who serve regularly at church) party and it was super fancy and fun. We got dressed to impress and both Aaron and I volunteered to play games and we each won gift cards – hey-o!

I score the girls some Christmas themed activity books and they were a ginormous hit!

Rylie lost her first top tooth.

Aaron and I reflected and made some decisions with our adoption journey. We chose to take a break in January and not do any fundraisers. We agreed we needed the time to rest, reset and connect with God.

Shockingly, I decided I wanted to mail out Christmas cards this year. I really loved putting them together!

We took some walks and did our best to embrace the dropping temps.

We got our adoption campaign shirt order!

The girls painted nutcrackers.

We gave Mimi books to our librarians.

I discovered a bomb iced coffee recipe and started making it part of my morning routine. I also finished a book I loved but kept procrastinating to read and I wore the same Christmas shirt as often as I could ;P

The kids and I took a walk around downtown and looked at all their fun Christmas decor.

On Friday (12.23) we went to Church of the Highland’s Christmas service & the Christmas weekend was filled with lots of smiles and sweet memories.

The following days I did an online training seminar for work (and phew, did it kick my butt).

Aaron & I got to do our annual SC Summit to ask some hard questions about the year and set some goals and intentions for the upcoming year.

I hustled the last week with one last fundraiser before our break.

And then we capped off the new year with a low-key but forever memorable New Years Eve.