month in review – september 2022

September is always a hectic month for our crew, but this one was especially busy / full and honestly, exhausting.

It kicked off with Rylie continuing her softball practices, which she absolutely loves!

I got the last of our adoption paperwork submitted after 3 months of working tirelessly on it.

The month kicked off with my mother-in-law turning 50, so we threw her a surprise 50’s diner themed party.

Nana (my mom) flew into town and the kids were giddy to see her.

We also helped get her new house situated and a pile of unassembled furniture put together.

We received our keepsake adoption profile book. It was so cool to see what we had labored over finally in print and see what expectant moms will see when they view our family.

All of our adoption paperwork that we had labored so hard over the summer had been approved and we went active!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

We also began a very exciting addition to our homeschool year – FOREST SCHOOL.

We meet every other week and in September we studied garden and harvest.

I hosted a “how to make sourdough bread for beginners” little get together and it was so fun.

Aaron turned 29 and we had a wonderful day celebrating him.

Spencer had his 15-month old check up where he was deemed very healthy and “off the charts” in weight and height. BIG BOY!

We had another adoption yard sale fundraiser that was incredibly exhausting but we’re thankful for the fruit.

Paisley got a celebratory 2-night sleepover with her aunt to begin her 3rd birthday celebration.

When she got back we had her party and, of course, celebrated her BIG!

A couple days later, we spent the day at one of our all time favorite places – the Georgia Aquarium.

That same day, we booked it home so Rylie could have her first softball game. She played great and had lots of fun.

All September long, our church did an At The Movies series and Aaron and I got to dress up on theme with each movie. We had so much fun and we received lots of compliments and laughs during our update video recordings.