mother’s day 2018

Celebrating Mother’s Day was a weekend event for our family – Aaron and I took both our moms and the girls out to the ball park on Friday (5.11.18) for a baseball game.



We had a great time and Rylie was actively paying attention for all 9 innings. She cheered when our team succeeded and quietly watched while the other team did their thing.


On Sunday (5.13.18), we went to church and they had a sweet little booth set up where you could take photos with your mom. Since my mom was in town from Seattle for the week, we definitely took advantage of this opportunity.


Aaron even made me craft from his preK class at church 😝 It was super sweet of him, especially since he despises glitter and the craft is basically covered in it hahaha.



I am extremely thankful for all the mamas in my life – older than me and my peers. I am honored to be a mother and I definitely do not take this responsibility lightly. I am so thankful God chose me to raise our girls (and future kiddos πŸ˜› )!



I hope you and your family had a wonderful Mother’s Day and all you mamas out there felt extra loved! <3