mothers day 2020

Mother’s Day started off early for me – 5:30 am early. Paisley woke up famished (at least that’s how she was acting) but after she ate her bottle, she fell asleep again. I was awake and figured I’d utilize the time and enjoyed some worship, a devotional and messaging some mama-friends before Aaron woke up followed shortly by Rylie.

We jetted out of the house to go to my sister-in-law’s (Amberlyn’s) house where her and her hubs were hosting Mother’s Day lunch.

She made me my favorite iced coffee (delish), set the tables outside (she always has the most gorgeous set ups) while the boys cooked lunch.

Following lunch, we took the classic Mother’s Day photos which all turned out so good!

I know Mother’s Day can bring a variety of emotions to everyone, but for me, it brought a fresh thankfulness. I’m so honored to be a mom.

When I was growing up, my friends always had grandiose career dreams, but I just wanted to be a mom. Now that I’m here, I know God has wired me for this. Sure, I have hard days (can I at least use the restroom alone, please!? 😛 ) and I have other dreams and aspirations, but I truly think the greatest accomplishment I’ll ever have in life is raising my kids. I’m living my childhood dream, and I’m thankful.