mother’s day 2022

Mother’s Day was just like any other day around here. I woke up early with Spencer and we had our little morning-date playing and eating first-breakfast.

Once everyone was up, we got ready for church. I knew if I wanted pictures, it needed to happen before we left so we got those done and I love them!

a mom has good & hard days. she’s emotional, yet the rock. exhausted but keeps going. & changes lives, every single day!

I love being mama to Rylie, Emmaline, Paisley, Spencer &, someday, our adopted baby (who might be in our Mother’s Day picture next year 😄)

The rest of the day was lunch out to Mexican and catching up on some neglected chores around the house. Aaron even unloaded, loaded and hand washed dishes and I was extra thankful.

How was your Mother’s Day?

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  1. […] following was Mother’s Day which was simple but […]

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