my 23rd birthday

As I’ve gotten older, the less I expect from birthdays. I used to want the day be unlike any other, but now, I’m perfectly content treating it like a normal day.

This year, I woke up at 6:30am because Rylie was fussing for breakfast. If I could’ve requested one thing for my birthday, it would have been to sleep in πŸ˜› but I love my girl so I was happy to spend some extra time just me and her.

When Aaron woke up, he immediately wished me a happy birthday and then went downstairs to put cinnamon rolls in the oven.

After breakfast, I sat on the couch and Aaron, Rylie, Amberlyn and my mom (who was visiting from Seattle for a long weekend) brought me a few bags of presents. It was a little surreal getting two gifts (+ cards) from Rylie. This time last year, I didn’t even know I was pregnant, so it hit a special string on my heart! <3


After I opened my few gifts (which I loved all of them), we got ready to go. Aaron and I host a small group at the park on Saturday mornings so we were off to meet with them. An hour later, we were done and went back to the house to pack a lunch and go to my one request of the day – go on a hike.






When we got home, I took a shower and Aaron & Amberlyn made dinner (which was DELICIOUS!) and we watched a movie. When it was over, Aaron, Mom and I went to get some frozen yogurt.


By the time we were done, I was exhausted! We went back home and I passed out.


MONDAY (3.6.17) was our weekly family night and because it was my birthday, I got to pick the activity. After a yummy mac’n’cheese dinner, we went bowling! I didn’t win, but I had a great time anyways πŸ˜‰


Overall, I had a wonderful birthday full of surprises and sweet texts. Thank you to everyone who took time out of the day to wish me a happy birthday! πŸ™‚