my 28th birthday

For the past few years, I’ve used my birthday as a time to poke some fun at my age…

+27 things I never thought I would…

+26 random q&a’s about me

+25 things I’m currently loving

But this year I decided to use my birthday as the perfect launch day for our adoption merch.

The whole story is really quite humorous how it even came to be, but I still think it is so cool, incredible and crazy that we have our own merch that we designed and are selling to raise money for our adoption.

Anyway – my day started per usual, with kiddos waking me up. I baked one of my favorite home breakfasts and waited for everyone else to greet the day. Once everyone was up, we got dressed and got some fresh air outside.

The kids played outside for a while and Aaron and I used that time to do some more promoting of our merch.

Lunch + quiet time rolled around which I used to take a nap (which is extremely rare). I woke up and Aaron & I got ready to head to church for a little project we’re doing and from there we went out to dinner.

When we got home, my in-law’s surprised us with the news the girls could stay the night, which we happily agreed to. I laid Spencer down, played some cards with Aaron, watched a little something and went to bed.

On Saturday (3.5.22), I went out to breakfast with two of my closet friends then came home to a houseful of family and takeout from one of my favorite restaurants.

We played games, ate and laughed a lot! It was a great day which concluded with early bedtimes for everyone.


Overall, it was a great celebration and I felt very seen, known and loved. I’m thankful for the people God’s placed in my life and the journey He has me on. 28 is going to be a good one!