my word for 2020

At the end and very beginning of the year, you probably heard a lot of people talking about their word for the year. If you’re unfamiliar with this idea, you chose one word that essentially creates a theme for your year – a little reminder.

Last year I made the decision to have a word for the first time. I prayed about it the week between Christmas and New Years and settled on the word “INTENTIONAL.” I’m a pretty intentional person, so I felt the true focus was to see how God is an intentional God. That everything He does has a purpose. Throughout 2019, I saw where I quoted this word regularly, especially when I was confused or questioning a circumstance in my life. It refocused me. “God is an intentional God!”

So when thoughts of 2020 started floating around my mind, so did finding a new word.

Again, I prayed and asked God to reveal a word to me. I was surprised to find even at Christmas time to be noticing one particular word. I hung on to it and prayed about that specific thought, only to find multiple confirmations in the days to follow.


My word for 2020.
Last year was my first time having a word & I found I went back to it over and over through the highs and lows of the year. So during that awkward week between Christmas and New Years, between the unpacking from our move while hosting and keeping our household going, I kept feeling the word “peace” come to my heart.
So in the middle of this cray-cray world, I will embody Christ – who is the Prince of Peace.
I will find contentment in where I am in my journey – spiritually, with relationships & my business.
I will seek out ways to bring peace to my life & home while sharing them with others to potentially gift them some peace as well.
And I will run to my Father who is the one who gives peace!

Two-weeks into 2020 and I’ve already found myself resetting my thoughts by speaking this word. I’ve searched for Bible verses that promote the theme of “peace” when I’m frantic.

I am excited to see what this year brings. And throughout it all, I will run to the Prince of Peace.

Do you have a word for 2020? I’d love to hear it!