nature day forest school – honeybees

*Forest School or Nature School is best described as learning that happens while playing outside.

So far during this Spring Semester, we’ve learned about Seeds, Butterflies, and Wildflowers. This week we learned about honeybees. I invited a bee keeper to teach the class session and he did an amazing job! He brought a kid’s bee suit and let Rylie be his helper the whole session. He even brought live bees working on a honeycomb. Even the parents were oo-ing and aw-ing.

After class was over, we went to “the forest” and ate a yummy bee mix — honeycomb cereal, yogurt covered raisins, almonds, M&Ms and pretzels.

For activities this week we played Freeze Dance (since bees dance to communicate) and played with bubbles (our pretend pollen).

I also made a been themed sensory bin.

And of course we had our book blanket with bee themed stories.

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The kiddos also walked away with a little goody-bag this week with their own bubbles, bee stickers and honey dipper stick.

A simple but very informative session today. Looking forward to the remaining two weeks of the semester.