ningxia drink + jan ’21 health challenge

I knew Ningxia was a big deal to everyone who loves Young Living, but truthfully, I let the two Ningxia packets that came in my starter kit sit in the fridge for months. Aaron is actually the one who drank them and he quickly commented how much he enjoyed it.

In the meantime, I was reading lots of blogs and watching videos about the best natural products for my pregnancy and every single one said “if you can only choose ONE of these things item, choose Ningxia!”

My first time drinking Ningxia was on the retreat haha I instantly fell in love and the benefits of it were hard to ignore. Now I’m hooked and I can legit tell when I haven’t had one. It’s a constant craving and Aaron and I both enjoy drinking them. I love it for the extra boost of energy it gives (& sustains me!), the health benefits & I’ve heard from multiple friends that it does wonders for nursing mama’s milk supply!

If you’re interested in learning more about Ningxia, I’d love to chat. But the short version is it is a wolfberry drink which is one of the healthiest things you can put in your body. You would have to eat two entire baskets of organic blueberries, a bunch of carrots and other greens plus half a pound of raisins daily to get the same amount of goodness 2oz of Ningxia gives you. Wolfberry also contains multiple vitamins our body needs. 

I started drinking 2oz regularly around 2-3pm because that’s when I need a pick me up. I know a lot of people who have replaced their morning &/or afternoon coffee with this goodness as well.

If you’re into coffee, by the time you’ve add in the sugar, cream or whatever, you are giving yourself a ton of calories and fat! Energy and Sports Drinks are extremely popular but unfortunately, they are loaded with sugar and junk juices to sweeten the beverage and contain caffeine. Junk juices and caffeine do absolutely nothing to assist us in better health. As a matter of fact, it contributes to obesity, high blood sugar, diabetes and a number of other serious health conditions.

Ningxia Red is so full of good nutrients that it gives you a natural boost of energy without any caffeine whatsoever! It can help increase your attention and concentration, help you feel more alert and help you have more energy. And a bonus – it’ll save you money!

Like I said, if you have questions or want more information I’d love to talk. I’d also encourage you to do your own research &/or talk to your doctor since I’m not a medical professional 😉

So here’s the fun part –
who is ready to kick off 2021 making better daily choices?

2020 was a doozy for many of us, & I know we all want to feel better, do better—BE BETTER in 2021, so let’s take a step towards wellness TOGETHER & commit to a full month of fueling our bodies with the good stuff—Ningxia (immune-boosting, antioxidant, natural energy drink)!

ᕱ WHO CAN JOIN: anyone! You just need a 31-day supply of Ningxia by January 1st. Contact me to get a special deal on your bundle!

ᕱ HOW IT’LL WORK: starting January 1st, we’ll drink 2oz of Ningxia everyday through the end of the month. We’ll be showing up in a private Facebook group every day & holding each other accountable to drink our Ningxia & there will also be a giveaway involved 😀 We’ll also become besties as we share in this wellness journey together!

ᕱ WHEN IT STARTS: January 1st

ᕱ WHAT DO I NEED: add NingXia to your shopping list ASAP so you have it in time. Like I said, I have a special discount for you so make sure you reach out & say “I WANT NINGXIA!”

Who is doing this challenge with me?