october 13th, 2012

You know how Facebook has these “On This Day” thing where it will occasionally bring up a post, photo, or video that you posted on that day a certain number of years ago!? Well, this morning I logged onto my Facebook account and was reminded that on this day 4 years ago, something sentimental happened for me and I thought I’d share it with y’all.

On October 13th, 2012, I knew Aaron was the one.


We had known each other for 4 months & been officially dating for almost 2 months. Even though I was 90% sure he was “the one” when he first asked me to be his girlfriend (Aaron says he wouldn’t have asked me to be his girlfriend if he didn’t think I was going to be his wife someday), there was still that little bit of hesitation in my mind solely for the fact of not wanting to get my hopes up and being devastated if we broke-up.

But in the middle of a Saturday while standing in the Seattle rain watching my brother play Ultimate Frisbee, Aaron & I shared our thoughts about what we wanted in a family someday. I can’t remember the exact details of what we talked about or even of that day, but I do remember that moments before this photo was taken, in my head, I knew Aaron was the one – the guy I wanted to marry, the guy who would help me build the family I had dreams of having, and to be my partner in life forever.

And now, 4 years later, I’m sitting here on our couch typing this blog post with a 35 week old baby in my tummy and Aaron is off working another long day in order to provide for our little, growing family – the one we could only imagine having together 4 years ago. <3