Oh, hey there august

July 2016 is officially in the books. Crazy. I feel like July flew by – between our tribe day at the creek, the 4th of July gathering we had, serving at our church’s Summer Blast (VBS), the church’s annual Serve Day projects, and seeing my first wild snake while taking some maternity pictures in the rain, I’d say it was a full month!

Now we’re heading into August strong and looking at the calendar ahead I can already tell it’s going to be packed as well. But before we jump headfirst into the final month of summer (for me anyway), I’m going to share some random stuff that happened over the weekend.


FRIDAY started for me at 4am. Not by choice, but by the soul fact that after Aaron had left for work, I was incapable of falling back asleep (very unlike me!) so I got up. I made some breakfast (bagel with a honey flavored creme cheese we thought we’d test out + strawberries) and dove right into my devotional for the day.


The rest of the day was filled with work and then spending time with Aaron once he got home.

SATURDAY I wanted to get out of the house for a little bit while Aaron was at work, and I had a small list of things I needed anyway. So I stopped at his Starbucks to say hi and grab a Venti water and then I headed across the parking lot to Target.


Saturday Target run because Rylie needed more hangers, I needed a new journal, & the household needed bread.

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After getting home, I sat outside, enjoying the refreshing summer Alabama air and caught up on some journaling.


After I had my fill of writing, I went inside and grabbed a Popsicle (because the bump wanted one πŸ˜‰ ).


Once Aaron got home, we did some housework and then enjoyed some down time together.


SUNDAY was church and then prepping food for our Sunday Night Small Group. They came over for dinner and we enjoyed fellowship + a bonfire (which of course had s’mores πŸ˜€ ).


By the end of the night, we were exhausted. Falling asleep has been a pregnancy challenge for me lately but I had no problem falling & staying asleep last night – Praise God!


Question Of The Day

How’d you spend the last weekend of July?