our fall goal for the adoption

When we signed with our consulting firm in May, we were told our first step would be paperwork. LOTS of paperwork. And since 90% of that paperwork was legal, it cost money. Unfortunately about as much as we brought in with the fundraisers we did over the summer.

I am happy to announce we’re almost done with the paperwork and our profile book is under review. Once everything is approved, we’ll be able to start receiving cases. 😀

However, we found out that roughly $25,000 will be due at match.

This means when an expectant mom chooses us, a “down-payment” is due. If we do not have the funds, we lose the case.

Since it’s looking like we will be able to start receiving cases this Fall, we want to be ready.

So, our Fall Goal is to raise $25,000.

We’ll be doing more fundraisers (two yard sales are already on the calendar, various vender events throughout the Fall, a fresh fundraiser I just announced over the weekend, online UBAM book bashes AND more!) ☺️

Aaron and I know God knows when we will receive that case and we are confident He will provide the exact funds we need exactly when we need them.

Thank you guys for following our adoption journey 🤟🙂 We are so incredibly thankful for each and every one of you.