our first family camping trip

About a week ago, Rick & Michelle (Aaron’s parents) bought a camper. Even though Alabama is crazy hot right now, we wanted to take advantage of the time Aaron has off work (due to his Covid recovery). Schedules worked out with Rick & Michelle so we packed up and left for a two day camping trip.

We ended up at a campsite in Mississippi, and we were welcomed by this sign.

We set up camp and made some dinner. Afterwards, Rick and Rylie surveyed the lake and prepared for some light fishing.

Of course, bedtimes went completely out the window and we were up 2 hours late.

The next day we ate breakfast, played and went to the lake after lunch for a couple hours of swimming. The water was perfect!

When we came back, Rick took the girls to the water and Rylie caught her very first fish! 😀 We were all so proud of her and she was thrilled to say the least.

Shortly after, Emmaline posed with her catch.

We all ended up catching fish that evening, which was exciting and brought a lot of joy to our campsite.

If you would like to know how to have such a successful fishing experience, please accept this advice from Rylie –

I’ve never fished before, but ended up reeling in this fish, which of course would fall off the hook – forcing me to hold it haha

Then Aaron caught a catfish. He ended up catching over 13 catfish that night. Insane!

The next day we ate breakfast and learned how to gut and clean our fish.

Aaron taught me how to do it too and every time I made a face, he would say, “Sarah, you’ve touched poop! You can do this.”

Ha. The words used to encourage is so different now that we have kids hahahaha

Aaron cooked seven of those catfish and oh my goodness – they were delish!!!

We scrambled to pack and leave on time after that. The kids were loads of help of course.

Not even 5minutes into our drive home, Rylie and Emmaline completely passed out.

It was one of the best camping trips ever. No phones (at least my phone was on airplane mode), limited photos, lots of wonderful memories.

Excited to go out again!