our seattle trip

Aaron and I had the opportunity to visit Seattle for 6 days this past week (May 24th-30th). It was so great to be able to reconnect with friends & family. Here is an overview of what we did + pictures!



Our alarms went off right at 6am and we sprung out of bed to finish getting our stuff together & get a little breakfast before needing to leave for the airport.


We had a 2 hour layover in Dallas, Texas – so we grabbed some lunch at TGI Fridays. I’ve always wanted to have a sit-down meal at the airport, so it was kind of exciting to cross that off my bucket list πŸ˜›


The flight from Dallas to Seattle was 3 1/2 hours. But, we were on a newer plane which had TV’s at each seat which not only gave you the option to pay to watch a movie, but also the ability to track where the plane was. I used this feature a lot because I was curious where we were.


Finally, at around 5:30pm (Seattle time – 2 hours behind Alabama), we landed.


My parents picked us up and we went out to dinner with my grandparents.




My parents moved from their home in Federal Way to a new house 20minutes south of Gig Harbor – so we had a long drive ahead of us after we dropped off my grandparents.

When we finally made it to their house, unloaded our stuff from their truck and got a tour of their house, Aaron and I crashed. Of course by this time, it was 2am for our bodies.



Because of the time change, our bodies automatically woke up at 5:30/6am Seattle time because that is 7:30/8am for our bodies. Plus, the baby was completely didn’t care that there was a time change and still expected to eat at its normal times…

After a bite to eat, we headed out the door and drove to Federal Way to pick up one of Aaron’s good friends. We then proceeded to the Family Fun Center in SouthCenter where we played arcade games and won a bunch of tickets.


From there, Aaron & Brandon went to go play a long overdue game of basketball and I got to hang out with Michaela. We went to her house and chatted for a couple hours and then went to Taco Time. It was very good! πŸ™‚




My mom and I had an early morning filled with appointments. Starting with a massage for me and then we went to get our nails done. My mom surprised me with a pedicure as well, which felt AMAZING!!!


I also got my nails done at the same time, which created a very funny picture πŸ˜›


It was so nice to get pampered though – THANKS MOM!

After we were all done up, we went to get some lunch where we got to chat a little about mine and Aaron’s plans for the baby’s arrival. Then it was onto a dentist appointment at my childhood dentist office. My mom dropped me off and then went about her day.

After a good report that I had no cavities, Michaela picked me up and we went to grab some FroYo at our favorite place.


It was yum! πŸ˜‰


From there we met Aaron at the mall and did a little shopping. Once we had gotten what we needed, Aaron and I headed to see Tyler & Daniella at their new place in Everett.

It was so great to connect with them! Just sitting around, talking, sharing life. It made me miss the “good ol’ days.”


They were so kind to let us stay the night with them.



The next morning, after a yummy, filling breakfast, we headed out to Bellingham to visit my brother at college. After a tour of his apartment, campus, and a delicious second-breakfast, we drove back towards Auburn to get food for the baby shower we were having the next day.

Being that it was the start of Memorial weekend though, traffic was a pain. It took us a while to get to where we needed to be, but we used that time wisely – listening / singing along to music of course πŸ˜‰

We finally got to Sam’s Club and we got what we needed. Daniel was clearly a huge help in pushing the cart out to the car. πŸ˜›


After sitting through another bunch of traffic in attempts to get back to my parents house, we finally got there around 7pm (let me add we left Bellingham at 1pm). We got some of the food together and did a little straitening up (because of course my parents were not going to let us get out of that πŸ˜› ). By the time we were done, we were exhausted. The time change was still rough on our bodies – especially mine with the baby – but we stayed up a little longer. Daniel and Aaron did some drawing and I was basically just “there” fighting to stay awake.





Baby Shower day!!!!Β I wrote a separate blog post about it, so make sure you check that out πŸ˜‰



That night though, after the shower, we went a double date with Michaela and her boyfriend, Kevin.



We went out to dinner and then went to see a movie. The movie theater we went to had recliners – it was PHENOMENAL!!! Except we all were basically fighting sleep haha.





By the time we got home, it was 1am… yeah – you can imagine we plopped on our bed and fell asleep immediately!



We went to Christian Faith Center to see some friends, which was great. After that we met up with Tyler and Daniella and got to spend the afternoon with them. I got to hold their baby girl – Elizabeth – and you better believed I took pictures of that cutie! πŸ˜‰



The boys went to play basketball, so Daniella, Liz and I went to downtown Tacoma for some girl time. We stopped at a doughnut shop and it was AMAZING!!!! I wish we had one here in Alabama.



We walked along the Tacoma Water Front and it was gorgeous! I missed being able to take walks like that.


We walked and talked about what’s been going on in our lives lately and pregnancy / motherhood. I am so thankful to have a friend who I can honestly share this season of life with! Daniella – you are a blessing! <3


The boys got home from their game and we hung out for a little bit before needing to say “see you later!”



This was our last day in Seattle, so we reserved it to spend with family.

Daniel’s friend Alex came over and we sat in the front yard and painted – which was actually a lot of fun!



This is what Aaron and I did –


After a full day – my parents dropped us off at the airport for us to catch our red-eye flight back home.


Even though I didn’t sleep very well, the flights went by much faster then they did when we were coming up to Seattle.



We landed in Birmingham around 8:30am and Aaron’s mom picked us up and drove us home where we set our stuff down and then crawled into bed where we passed out for a few hours.




Overall, it was a good trip! We’re thankful we got to spend time with our friends & family and they could join in our excitement of our newest addition.