This is week 2 of our sweet forest school and I’m still so thankful to be a part of this community! Last time we gathered we talked about gardening, and this week was about harvesting. Forest School or Nature School is best described as learning that happens while playing outside. Of course you can do […]
a rainy hike on the property
A couple weeks ago, we decided to take a hike on our property. Since we live on 36-acres, there lots of unexplored land. It was overcast, but we weren’t going to let a little rain stop us. It did start pouring, but we kept moving and it was fun! We found a variety of animal […]
happy 29th birthday aaron
Saturday, September 10th was Aaron’s 29th birthday. We celebrated with homemade sourdough cinnamon rolls, fruit, eggs and bacon. After a filling brunch, the girls excitedly watched him open their gifts (drawings and such). The afternoon was spent watching football and taking a nap, and getting ready for dinner. Aaron & I got a date to […]
we are active!!!
WE ARE NOW ACTIVELY RECEIVING CASES 🥳 Aaron & I have dreamed of this moment since we decided to adopt at the beginning of 2022 and to say we’re excited is an understatement! 😄 Full transparency, the devil tried to steal our joy. Even though we had finally reached this next, pivotal chapter in our […]
all the paperwork has been approved!
We got an email from our Document Dude on Tuesday (9.13.22) saying they had all the required documents and we are ready to go active! We’re currently under final review and then we get assigned a consultant who we’ll work closely with during this next season of looking at cases (situations) and choosing a baby. […]
orr park
Towards the end of summer, I put a post out on social media asking for kid-friendly hike recommendations. I compiled a list of 25 places (subject to grow) and one of the closest ones was Orr Park in Montevallo, AL. On Friday (8.19.22), we met up with some friends at the park. We took a […]
adoption is not “the easy way to have kids”
Some people say this, and it cannot be further from the truth. Adoption is not easier than being pregnant! 4 pregnancies over here & it really would have been “easier” for me to be pregnant again. If we had announced we were pregnant when we announced we were adopting, September would be baby month. But […]
forest school – garden theme
Forest School or Nature School is best described as learning that happens while playing outside. Of course you can do this on your own (as we do), but it’s always fun to include friends. A homeschool friend of mine attended one a year or so ago and I was eager to get into one myself. […]
life lately – august 2022
August was where summer faded and routine began. And it also birthed my deep desire for Fall weather haha It kicked off with Aaron & I tackling the next stack of paperwork – agency applications. Our consulting firm works with dozens of agencies across the country but there’s 3 they work with very closely so […]
the week we went “camping” at nana’s
On Monday (8.15.22) on our way home from gymnastics, a brief but strong thunderstorm rolled through and our power went out. It remained out all night and most of the following morning. While we were at the library on Tuesday, the power company got it back on (praise!) and we went inside to wrap up […]