paisley – 2 years old

Paisley is finally 2!!! It feels like she’s been 2 for a long time so to finally be here is exciting!


  • Eating
  • Playing with her sisters & friends
  • Hanging out with Papa
  • Giving hugs
  • Accessories (bracelet & watches mainly)
  • 4-wheeler rides
  • Swinging
  • Breakfast


  • Not getting her way
  • Not being understood


Paisley’s love for food is no different than any other Shaver. She is specifically fascinated by treats like popcorn, “ookie!!!” (cookie) and Gatorade.

She wakes up and immediately demands “el” or “nack” (cereal or snack – but “snack” really means “oatmeal” at that hour).

Snacks are constantly requested and the world ends when she’s denied.

Other than that, nothing really stands out as significant when it comes to her and food…


*disclaimer – this is an old photo. Paisley no longer takes a pacifier.

Paisley graduated to the big girl room when we moved to our new house in February and she absolutely loves it! It took a few nights, but she eventually got the gist of “we sleep, not play all night.” haha

Bedtime is between 7:30 – 8pm and she takes one nap from 12-2pm.

But the nap department keeps getting shorter and shorter so we might be transitioning to quiet play soon.


Life with Paisley is never dull. She is definitely her own and full of surprises (both good and bad).

Paisley absolutely loves her family. She desires to be and do like her big sisters and she is very concerned and caring towards Spencer (or Ler-ler as she calls him).

Paisley’s most recent attachments are play phones, baby dolls and her stuffed cow. Riding the 4-wheeler is another huge favorite of hers (however, this photo does not show that at all haha).

She’ll gladly touch all the things she’s not supposed to (TV remotes, cell phones, AirPods, etc.) and hand them to their owner. Pretty sure it’s her tactic to have an excuse to touch them… smart kid.


Paisley is exhausting. And usually drives me crazy.

There. I said it.

She’s my hardest kid, by far. She’s so busy and always (I mean ALWAYS!) getting into something. She’s all about making messes but she’s also the most willing to clean up… so I don’t know what that’s about.

Aaron and I make jokes about what she’ll be like when she’s older (mainly teen years) and although I can wait, I’m kinda excited to see if our predictions are accurate ;P

But even on the hard days, I love her. She makes me laugh (partially out of insanity but also because she’s actually funny!) and her hugs are great. She is so tender hearted, and I’m expectant of all she will become.