paisley + spencer’s dedication

Rylie was dedicated on December 11th, 2016 and Emmaline was dedicated on May 13th, 2018 which was also Mother’s Day. Both the girls were one month old when they were publicly dedicated at the church we attended, but the trend was broken with Paisley & Spencer. Although we had committed to raising them in a Jesus centered home, when our home-church announced they were offering baby/child dedication at their Father’s Day service, I immediately signed up. Thankfully, our whole crew + my in-laws (who are also the children’s pastors at our church) were able to stand up with us which made it extra special.

Spencer was antsy the entire time and Paisley’s face was very unimpressed with the shenanigans our pastor (who we’re honored to also call our friend) was putting on and pretty much everything happening around and to her. But we got through it.

Overall, it was special to us and we’re so thankful to our church family for allowing space for us to publicly commit them to the Lord.

And even though this was technically for Paisley & Spencer, having our older two with us really made it feel like a family dedication – and it meant extra to us.