paisley’s 2nd birthday day

Aaron came up with the idea to have Paisley pick everything we did on her birthday – from breakfast to our day’s activity.

She got ready with a few of her accessories from her birthday party the night before and had a donut appetizer.

For breakfast she chose Cracker-Barrel, and Mimi & Papa got to join us.

Our sweet waitress chased us out of the restaurant with a cake in hand to celebrate Paisley’s birthday. She even sang to her which was adorable. Paisley said “ank ooo.” (thank you) and waved joyfully.

When we got home we opened the rest of her gifts she received the night before at her birthday party.

Next on the agenda – 4-wheelin!

Meanwhile, I played with whoever wasn’t on the 4-wheeler.

We ended the day with Paisley’s dinner pick (Jack’s Burgers) and singing Happy Birthday while we enjoyed the cake our morning waitress gifted her.

We did some more playing with the busy birthday girl before heading to bed.

I shot video throughout the day to bring you this week’s episode of Life with the Shaver Crew. Enjoy!

So happy that she’s 2 years old. She’s finally the age she acts ;P hahaha