paisley’s 3rd birthday party || blue’s clues themed

Can i start by saying i love Blue’s Clues. Our family doesn’t do much with TV or modern shows, but Blue’s Clues was a staple of my childhood and after screening the new one, i can honestly say it passes all our standards and our whole family enjoys the program.

A friend of mine made these paw print cookies and they went a long perfectly with the other snacks we offered.

i also got a pack of spiraled notebooks and pack of crayons and tied them together so each kid would get a handy-dandy notebook. this was accompanied by a Blue’s Clues hunt where they had to find the clues and figure out what our next party activity was.

“Sing Happy Birthday with cupcakes” was the answer, and Paisley was beaming while we sang to her.

Presents quickly followed.

Celebrating Paisley turning 3 was so much fun! we love our spunky little lady!