picking out our christmas tree

SUNDAY (12.6.15) Aaron had the whole day off of work, so we decided to go get our Christmas tree! πŸ˜€

We wanted to go to an actual tree farm and enjoy the whole “finding our Christmas tree” experience, but the closest one charged $30 & up depending on the kind of tree + size. Unwilling to pay that much for a tree, we decided to go to a store nearby who was selling trees for as little as $19.

It took a few minutes to find a tree though because I had a very “Northwest” expectation of what it should look like. Unfortunately, no tree in Alabama will meet that expectation. But after walking around for a little bit & checking out multiple trees, we found one that we both loved. “well, the wife likes it, so that’s the one we’ll get!” Aaron said with a smile on his face! πŸ˜›


We strapped it to the car & headed home to set it up.

Here’s the short film ::

One of my favorite things to see us get more and more ornaments to put up every year as our time together as a married couple grows.


The final result –


Loved being able to spend the day with my hubbie + getting our house all decked out for Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year, and now it’s nice and cozy! <3


have you decorated your house for Christmas yet?