prepping for 21 days of prayer

You may remember my posts at the beginning of 2016 about Church of the Highland‘s 21 Days of Prayer. If you don’t, here are the links to those posts if you want to take a look –

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Overview


The church does 21 Days of Prayer twice a year – January and August. The intention of January’s is to dedicated the first month of the year to God, and August’s is to help us refocus our attention before the school year begins. These 21 days are some of my favorite because it’s such a dedicated and purposed time of worship and prayer. Plus, it helps me establish a good routine.

I decided to do some “prepping” before we kicked of this morning, so I thought I’d share what I did with you.


  1. Listened to previous messages. I went to Church of the Highland’s website and went to their message archive. I scrolled through their message series and found a couple they had done over the past couple years on prayer. I printed off the message notes and watched the messages. Some of them I had listened to in the past, but I seem to gleam something new each time.
  2. Highlighted my Bible. Some people really disagree with making any kind of marks in their Bibles, but I am not one of those people. I love highlighting verses and making tiny notes. I find it helps me study and understand God better. So whenever I hear a verse in messages (particularly the ones I’ve been listening to lately on prayer), if the verse speaks to me, I go in my Bible and highlight it.
  3. Listened to just worship music. I’ve actually gotten to the point now where I hardly ever listen to “secular” music. And if I do, it’s probably country. Don’t ask me what the latest and greatest song is in Pop because I have no idea. Highlands Worship album has been my go-to lately, but so has the Christian playlists on Spodify.
  4. Been Expectant. Looking back over the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Overview I typed up earlier this year, I was reminded of what I had been specifically praying for during that season. Looking back at that list now, I can see where God answered some of my prayers. For example, one thing Aaron & I had prayed for was a baby (I didn’t share that on the blog, or with anyone at the time though – we wanted to keep it a secret). We asked that God prepare us to be parents and that He would give us a child in His timing. Sure enough, two months later I found out I was pregnant and we began this beautiful journey. I’m coming into this season of 21 days expectant, knowing that God will answer my prayers – maybe not in my timing, but if I ask, He will answer…eventually! 😉


I hope you get to join me in this wonderful experience – if not in person, online. Each day the morning prayer session will be available for replay for 24 hours. I cannot encourage you enough to be apart! It’s truly life changing.