pumpkin patch 2020

I love pumpkin patches. It’s a tradition I enjoy but I was beginning to become fearful we wouldn’t make it to one this year. Thankfully, Aaron did some research and found a new patch (new to us anyway) that he wanted to try out. He figured out time off work so we could go and we headed out on Wednesday (10.14.20) to enjoy the Fall festivities.

We were drawn to it because of all the activities that were included in the price, and we were not disappointed. The girls had a blast and were eagerly running from one activity to the next.

Rylie got to ride a horse which brought her a lot of joy. Emmaline, who was also excited, was told she was too small to do it. She was bummed but overall a good sport while Rylie rode.

But once we found a playground, Emmaline was all smiles and kept saying how happy she was.

After some more play, we decided to wrap up our day by taking a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch.

There were numerous small pumpkins which worked well for what the girls were wanting.

Emmaline was quick to grab two saying “all mine!” and carried them around while Rylie looked for her own. Emmaline ended up passing on the one in her right hand (tall and long) and got the small round one instead.

Overall, it was a good day and one the girls bring up regularly. I’m so glad we were able to go this year!