quarantine – round two

Round two of quarantine started on Thursday (7.16.20) because Aaron tested positive to Covid. Thankfully he recovered incredibly fast and will be returning to work this week.

As I look back on our round two of quarantine, I feel like it was different than the first one in the Spring.

For starters, I feel like I actually sat and played with the girls more. Fostering one-on-one interaction and doing whatever they wanted (in the playing world of course haha).

We did go on a morning walk a couple times (earlier the better to try and beat the heat) and it reminded me when this was a daily activity in those spring days.

I did a lot of household stuff too, including painting our playroom/school room. What!? haha

Not going to lie though, I hit a wall around 5pm. We were so blessed to have a handful of friends bring us dinner and I cannot share enough how helpful that was. We felt so loved, seen and cared for.

And let’s be honest, the girls and I totally watched Little House on the Prairie every night πŸ˜› haha

When Aaron came back into our daily lives, it was wonderful. We took a lot of precautions of course, but I was just thankful for simple luxuries – like seeing my husband in the same room as our family!

All that to say, I wholeheartedly believe our first round of quarantine was a lot different than this one. Maybe it was having a rough end date. Maybe my perspective changed. Maybe it was different because Paisley was 9 months instead of 6. Whatever it was, I liked this one. I grew closer to my girls <3

Oh, and we 100% made our fav chocolate pie to celebrate surviving Covid πŸ˜›